Eggless vanilla cake- Version 2

Written by: 7aumsuvai

Eggless vanilla cake, i prepared this cake for my daughter’s birthday in November and  she loved it very much. It was my second attempt in making vanilla cake but with different recipe, which is also eggless and decorated with vanilla butter cream frosting.

Eggless vanilla cake


Serves 6 or more people

For making vanilla cake:

      • 2 1/2 cup – All purpose flour
      • 1 can (14oz) – Sweetened condensed milk
      • 1 cup – Water (room temperature)
      • 1/2 cup – Melted butter
      • 2 tbsp – Sugar
      • 2 tbsp – Vinegar
      • 1 tbsp – Vanilla essence
      • 2 tsp – Baking powder
      • 1 tsp – Baking soda
      • 1/4 tsp – Salt

For making butter cream frosting:

      • 1 cup – Butter (room temperature)
      • 4 cups – Icing sugar
      • 1 tbsp – Vanilla essence
      • 3 to 4 tbsp – Milk (or add as needed)
      • 1 pinch – Salt
      • Pink icing color (as needed)

Eggless vanilla cake

Preparation method:

Making of vanilla cake:

  1. Take a mixing bowl, add all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and mix well.
  2. In another bowl, add condensed milk, melted butter and sugar, beat well to incorporate. In a small bowl mix together water and vinegar until combine. Add this mixture to the butter and condensed milk mixture and mix until just combine.
  3. Now pour this wet ingredients over dry ingredients in step 1 and mix well to incorporate.
  4. Preheat oven to 350º F / 180 C. Grease two 8-inches cake pans or tins. Divided mixture into greased cake pans and Bake at 350° F for the first 10 minutes, reduce to temperature to 320° F and bake for further 30 to 35 minutes or until a tooth pick or skewer comes out clean. Let it cool completely before frosting. Eggless vanilla cake is ready.

Eggless vanilla cake process

Making of vanilla butter cream frosting:

  1. Take a mixing bowl, add butter and beat with beater until soft. Add vanilla essence, a pinch salt and the icing sugar little by little and slowly incorporate it into the butter.
  2. Finally add milk little at a time and continuously beat for 5-7minutes or until it reaches creamy consistency.  More you beat more smoother the butter cream. Butter cream frosting is ready.

Vanilla butter cream process

Eggless vanilla cake

Decorating the cake:

  1. Trim the cake both top and sides with a knife to make it even. Then apply some vanilla butter cream frosting on the cake with a spatula and spread it evenly all over the cake.
  2. Now place the other cake on the top and add some more frosting on top, once again spread it.
  3. Keep spreading it all around the sides of cake and no need to be very perfect since we are going to decorate it on top.
  4. Now take remaining frosting and add few drops of pink icing color, mix them well. Decorate the cake as shown in the picture and fill the cake with pink colored frosting all over it.
  5. Now as a finishing touch, i sprinkled some silver colored beads (edible) all over the cake, slice them and serve it.

Decoration process


  • Once batter is ready, do not keep the batter outside for long time. Immediately place it in the oven for baking.
  • If you want you butter cream frosting to be thin then you can add more milk while beating. But you have to be little more cautious while adding milk, add little by little and only add as needed.
  • Please do not be tempted to open the oven door for at least the first 35 minutes.
  • My cake took me about 40 minutes to cook but it depends on your oven.

Eggless vanilla cake

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  1. Beautiful ensemble of pink roses. merry Christmas and a happy new year

  2. Beautiful cake! Hope your daughter had a nice B'day! :)

  3. Wow v v pretty cake great work!!!

  4. Looking cute cake..!! I have one doubt. i prepared this cake today and going to cut tmrw, if i need to keep the cake in refrigerator or can i keep outside?


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