Mysore pak

Written by: 7aumsuvai

Mysore pak is a popular sweet in southern parts of India. There are soft mysore pak with lots of ghee and solid mysore pak with porous available in market . When I was a kid, I used to have long rectangular shaped solid mysore pak with porous. I love that but now a days I rarely see that variety in the market. So I tried to make solid mysore pak with little porous and I got close to what I targeted for. Here comes the recipe.

Mysore pak


      • 1 cup – Gram flour / Besan
      • 1 cup – Sugar
      • 1 cup – Ghee (3/4 cup for mixing flour and 1/4 cup while stirring)
      • 1/4 cup – Water

Mysore pak process

Mysore pak collage

Preparation method:

  1. Heat a tsp of ghee in a pan, add gram flour and fry until nice aroma comes. It takes 3 to 4 mins and then sieve it once so that there are no lumps found. Now take a bowl, add 3/4 cup ghee and roasted gram flour, mix well and set side for 10 mins.
  2. Grease a plate to pour mysore pak when done. You will not have time to do later as everything happens very fast.
  3. Now take a pan, add water, sugar and bring it to boil. Continue boiling until you reach one string consistency. You can check the correct consistency by taking sugar syrup between the thumb and the index finger a single string will form.
  4. Now add gram flour ghee mixture to the sugar syrup. Then add remaining 1/4 cup ghee in intervals to avoid drying and mix well.
  5. Keep stirring continuously over medium flame until you see the mixture is getting less sticky and easy to stir. Continue stirring until the mixture is not sticky anymore. If you want soft mysore pak then stop at this stage and follow the last step. If not then continue stirring until you reach consistency as shown in the picture.
  6. Pour this mixture in a greased plate and spread it with spatula. Allow them to cool for 7-8 minutes and then slice them into square or diamond shape. Remove from the plate and enjoy.

Mysore pak


  • Gram flour and ghee mixture should be slightly in pouring consistency.
  • Always keep the flame in medium or low.
  • The overall process takes approximately 20 mins.

Mysore pak

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  1. very beautiful presentation.. tempting..

  2. Ya even I like the porous variety... Urs look yum

  3. Highly catchy and prefect looking mysore pak,feel like picking one from the picture.

  4. I somehow like this kind of mysore pak more like biscuit type :) thanks for sharing this recipe dear love your clicks too

  5. wow loks so yummy, reminds me of a bakery in trivandrum who sell pure ghee sweets. :-)

  6. Nice shanthi...enjoy diwali...Chalam

  7. i hopw it's taste like Krishna Sweets of my favorite store yammy :)

  8. I love it.. Less Ghee makes it more attractive


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